AGMEMOD is an agricultural sector model complementing the European Commission's annual "EU Agricultural Outlook" with related projections for selected agricultural sectors.
AGMEMOD Regional Worskhop "AGRICULTURAL MARKET OUTLOOK FOR WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES“ presents AGMEMOD model results for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro
The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss results of the agricultural market outlook at country level for BiH, Serbia and Montenegro. The workshop is jointly organised by AGMEMOD Consortium, University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences and Joint Research Centre (Seville). The workshop will gather policy makers, modelling and market experts from the EU and Western Balkan region and beyond.
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session 1
10:00 - 10:40 Chair: Aleksandra Nikolić (UNSA, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Time |
Title |
10 min |
Welcome and background of the AGMEMOD regional workshop in 2021 |
2x10 min |
Western Balkans agri-food markets based on current agricultural policy and road ahead to EU membership |
The EU agricultural outlook: Background and insights |
10 min |
Macroeconomic assumptions and world market prices in the AGMEMOD model |
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session 1 venue |
session 2
10:40 - 11:30 Chair: Natalija Bogdanov (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Time |
Title |
15 min |
Outlook and database: BiH, Serbia and Montenegro based on AGMEMOD |
25 min |
Market and regional experts feedback on current work and new trends |
10 min |
Open discussion |
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session 2 venue |
session 3
11:30 - 12:20 Chair: Petra Salamon(TI)
Time |
Title |
15 min |
Outlook and database: BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia based on AGMEMOD |
25 min |
Feedback on current work and new trends |
10 min |
Open discussion |
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session 3 venue |
session 4
13:30 - 14:20 Chair: Milan Marković (University of Montenegro)
Time |
Title |
15 min |
Outlook and database: BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia based on AGMEMOD |
25 min |
Feedback on current work and new trends |
10 min |
Open discussion |
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session 4 venue |
session 5
14:20 - 15:10 Chair: Pierre Boulanger (former JRC)
Time |
Title |
10 min |
Fruits & vegetables representation in the EU AGMEMOD model |
10 min |
Database and outlook: BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia based on AGMEMOD |
25 min |
New trends in production and processing |
10 min |
Open discussion |
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session 5 venue |
session 6
15:10 - 16:15 Chair: Thomas Fellmann (JRC)
Time |
Title |
15 min |
Policy scenario analysis |
10 min |
Potential of modelling new products (example of honey model for Ukraine) |
10 min |
Insights from the ARAPD project |
10 min |
Follow-up the AGMEMOD market experts network development and further steps |
10 min |
Opened discussion |
5 min |
Concluding remarks |
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session 6 venue |